From Data to Decisions: Leveraging eNPS Trends
A huge thanks to Lattice for the webinar “From Data to Decisions: Leveraging eNPS Trends”.
Here are some insights that interested me:
📈 eNPS Landscape: The median eNPS for companies in Q2 2023 was 26. Notably, the Software & IT sector saw a shift from an eNPS of 44 at Q1 2022’s start to 25 by Q2 2023.
🏢 eNPS by Company Size: Small startups were buzzing with energy and fun in Q2 2023, showing an eNPS high of 44. Yet, as companies grow and become more complex, eNPS tends to slide down to 23. A crucial insight for larger organizations striving to keep employee satisfaction high!
👤 eNPS by Distance from CEO: A significant finding is the link between eNPS and distance from the CEO’s vision and strategy. A striking 73% of CEOs are promoters, in contrast to 56% for their direct reports. This trend points to a decrease in workplace satisfaction the further one is from decision-making roles. It begs the question: how can we enhance autonomy for our employees?
💬 eNPS by 1:1 Relationships: More scheduled 1:1 relationships correlate with higher employee satisfaction. This is especially pronounced for Managers of Managers, with eNPS ranging from 27 (no 1:1 relationships) to 38 (8+ relationships). It highlights the positive impact of fostering connections for boosting happiness and engagement.
Let’s harness this data to make informed decisions and cultivate more rewarding work cultures 🙂